【导读】Freescale Xtrinsic 6 轴传感器将高分辨率动作感测与方向技术,以及低功率加速度计与磁力仪结合在单一小型封装中。 全新 Xtrinsic FXOS8700CQ 传感器已针对行动应用程序最佳化,包括需要高精确度方向数据的扩增实境、游戏、导航与位置服务等。 Xtrinsic 6 轴传感器以 eCompass 软件撷取个别的输入并加以融合,使行动装置能够进行快速精确的决策。
1.95V to 3.6V VDD supply voltage, 1.62V to 3.6 VDDIO voltage
±2g/±4g/±8g dynamically selectable acceleration full-scale range
±1200 μT magnetic sensor full-scale range
Output Data Rates (ODR) from 1.563 Hz to 800 Hz for each sensor, and up to 400 Hz when operated in hybrid mode with both sensors active
Low noise: < 150 μg/√Hz acceleration, < 1 μT rms magnetic
14-bit resolution for acceleration measurements
16-bit resolution for magnetic measurements
Footprint compatible with Xtrinsic MMA8451, 2, 3
Embedded programmable acceleration event functions:
Freefall and Motion Detection
Transient Detection
Vector-Magnitude Change Detection
Pulse and Tap Detection (Single and Double)
Orientation Detection (Portrait/Landscape)
Embedded programmable magnetic event functions:
Threshold Detection
Vector-Magnitude Change Detection
Autonomous Magnetic Min/Max Detection
Autonomous Hard
Iron Calibration
Programmable automatic ODR change using Auto-Wake and return to Sleep functions to save power. This function works with both magnetic and acceleration event interrupt sources.
32-sample FIFO for acceleration data only
Integrated accelerometer and magnetometer self-test functions
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